Of Parks and Walls…..
Explore Tours
This tour is fully accessible to all clients and is designed for either walking groups, mobility scooter groups or mixed groups. This tour will explore Gibraltar in a way often missed by other forms of transport. Walking allows us the time necessary to look at both the historic city of Gibraltar including its walls but also allow us to take in and breathe the clean air of parks, its Koi Carp, the birds and the many different types of flowers and trees.
This tour leads us along Queensway and the historic defense walls built by the British and the Spanish during the different occupations of Gibraltar. We will visit the bustling heart of town where we learn about the famous Casemates Square and its role throughout history. We will see the Gibraltar Parliament Building, the heart of our
democracy, the Law Courts building, the Convent where the Governor of Gibraltar resides, the Offices of the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, the famous Trafalgar Cemetery dating back to the famous Battle in 1805, where Lord Nelson lost his life. From here we head down along Queensway walking along the water’s edge towards and into the beautiful Commonwealth and Campion Parks to finish with a tour of the King’s Bastion.
At a glance:
Departure Point: Campion Park
Casemates Square, Main Street, Cathedral St Mary the Crowned, Commonwealth Park, Campion Park, King’s Bastion.